


Our music is vastly diverse. We sing music of all genres and backgrounds, both within and outside of the classical choral canon. Incredible care and thought is put into all of our programs, as we try to bring to the fore many composers and styles that are not usually given equitable space.



We seek to bridge gaps, build community, and show that choral music can break down walls--we pick music and plan programs to support those goals. Our singers work hard to master many different styles of singing together; in doing so, we learn about each other, our shared history, and our world.



Our membership, our music, and our programming challenges the status quo of choral music. We are a collective—more than a choir.

Unity Project celebrates MLK, Jr. Day with our rendition of MLK, by Bono, arranged by Bob Chilcott.

current selections

This set list is designed to challenge each one of our members, representing a variety of styles and working as a way to stretch each singer into a realm that they are not necessarily used to or comfortable with. Each composer is one who has challenged the norm and has brought something new to music in a transformative way.

Love is Love is Love is Love, Abbie Betinis (

Cantique de Jean Racine, Gabriel Faure (French, 1845-1924)

Father, Father, Laura Mvula (, arr. Kerry Marsh (

Regina Caeli, Vincente Lusitano (Portuguese, 1520-1561)

I Be Your Water, Sweet Honey in the Rock (

Let My Love Be Heard, Jake Runestad (

Sing About It, Moira Smiley (

Lead With Love, Melanie DeMore (

Hope Lingers On, arr. Andrea Ramsey (

Love's In Need of Love Today, Stevie Wonder, arr. Victoria Lipscomb

Arise! Beloved!, Rosephanye Powell (